A genuine, if seemingly clueless, attempt to shed a fusty "old media" image and forge ahead into the glorious digital future? 还是为了摆脱发霉的“传统媒体”形象,勇敢地迈入辉煌的数字化未来而进行的一种真正意义上(但看似没有什么章法)的尝试?
South Korean media, government agencies and independent analysts of North Korea spent the day scouring old North Korean media accounts and records of North Korean visitors to the South over the past decade for references to Ms. Ri. 韩国媒体、政府机构和独立朝鲜分析人士整天都在梳理朝鲜媒体以前的报道和过去10年朝鲜人到访韩国的记录,看有没有李雪主的线索。
But the move of readers and advertisers from old media to new is a zero sum game: as newspapers and traditional radio stations decline, blogs and podcasts gain. 但读者和广告客户从老式媒体向新式媒体的转移,却是一个零和游戏:当报纸和传统广播电台走下坡路时,博客(blogs)和播客(podcasts)获得了增长。
Once shunned by the fashion crowd, these bloggers regularly feature on the covers of revered "old media" titles, are photographed in dazzling outfits and given preferential treatment on the fashion week front row. 曾经被时尚圈拒之门外的这些博主,现在经常出现在备受尊崇的“老牌媒体”的封面上,穿着炫目的服装出镜,在时装周上获得前排的特殊待遇。
Seven years ago the the first internet wave finally broke, with a massive bet on fusing old and new media. 七年前,第一波互联网浪潮终于破碎了,人们对新旧媒体的融合投下巨额赌注。
Consumers sometimes give new life or energy to old media. 消费者有时给予旧媒体以新生、新的活力。
Epoch-Making Changes in the Media& On the Coexistence and Co-prosperity Between Old and New Media 媒体的划时代变迁&论新旧媒体的共存与共荣
This might be solved by the rise of digital media and weakening of old media monopolies. 数字媒体的崛起和旧媒体垄断的削弱或许能解决这种问题。
When competing with other media, local TV media are confronted with new tests: audience having various options, old and new media pushing hard, incompetence to overtake CCTV. 地方电视传媒在媒介竞争激烈的氛围中接受着新的考验:受众多样化的选择途径,新老媒体的强大压力,与央视竞争的劣势。
Technology gets a bad rap in the old media. 科技在传统媒体的口碑很差。
The creation of ambient media is characterized by a form of thinking media background involved, which can get good communication effect that old media planning can not do. 环境媒体创意是一种将媒介的物理属性融进广告创意的思维形式,它具有传统媒介策划无法达到的广告效果。
Of all the "old" media, newspapers have the most to lose from the Internet. 所有“旧”媒体中,报纸因为网络的兴起而失去的最多。
The new medium, that is to say Internet, need study from the old media and operate according to the law of itself. 新媒体,即网络媒体需要借鉴旧媒体的成功之道,并依据自身的规律性进行操作。
Old Media, Is World Cup Winner 世界杯,老牌媒体成赢家
In this times, the new and old media try for the development because only developing can ensure their existence. 网络时代,新、旧媒体都在谋求发展,因为发展是唯一的生存出路。
On Competition and Blend of New Media and Old Media 论新旧媒体的竞争与融合
Old media should pioneer new market space in virtue of Internet. 传统媒体应该充分利用互联网的传播优势,拓展新的市场空间。
AD, Find it's Own Way in New and Old Media 广告,在新旧媒体中各适其式
New media plays a significant role in museum exhibitions since 1980s, which shows trend of transcending old media as well as some anxiety. 新媒体自引入博物馆以来就在展示设计领域扮演了重要角色,一方面显示出超越传统媒体的优势,另一方面也带来一些隐忧。
Chinese TV dramas should make good use of the advantage of new media, grasp the aesthetic anticipation of the audience, integrate the old media, achieve the spread of media linkage and create a harmonious communicative environment to obtain the maximum value of communication. 中国电视剧应合理发挥新媒体优势,把握受众审美期待,并不断整合旧媒体,推动媒介联动传播,实现传播价值的最大化。
As the fourth media, internet brings large attack and competition to the old media, just as newspaper, television and so on. The consumer will choose the most usefulness media after he compares the different media. 网络作为第四媒介的发展,对电视、报纸等传统媒介带来了巨大的冲击和挑战,消费者在获取新闻时也会对各种媒介作出比较进而选择对自己效用最大的那种媒介。
To this piece of cake for the audience, both old and new media in constant self-renewal in engaged in a fierce competition. 为了争夺受众这块蛋糕,新旧媒体在不断的自我更新中进行着激烈的竞争。
At last, we applied a Bayesian game theory model to explain the switch decisions between the old media and the new media, and obtained an unique Bayesian Nash Equilibrium. 最后还将一个贝叶斯博弈模型应用于解释新媒介和传统媒介转换的决策,并得到唯一的贝叶斯纳什均衡。
In summary, the performance of our visual language should be excavated and differences between old and new media applications better, and to seek means to improve the quality of information transmission. 综上所述,我们在视觉语言表现中应挖掘并应用好新旧媒体的差异化,寻求信息传达品质的提升手段。
The old and new media collides inevitably. 新旧媒体的共存,必然产生不可避免的碰撞。
As the important propaganda and public opinion guide platform, Local news website in the old and new media coexist in the context of the media ecology looking for new survival, to break it. 作为重要的宣传和舆论引导平台,地方新闻网站在新旧媒体并存的媒体生态语境中不断寻求新的生存、突围之道。
Overview of the development of mass media history, the birth of each new media and old media side by side with the overlap juncture, there is always a kind of "old wine in new bottle" phenomenon. 纵览大众传播媒介的发展历史,在每次新媒介诞生并与旧媒介并列的交叠关头,始终存在着一种新瓶装旧酒的现象。
This form of art is the art of the old media cannot be realized. 这种形式的艺术是旧有的媒介艺术不能实现的。